Tara Marie Venus UFH, , January 19, 2015January 19, 2015, Graphics, brainwashed, enslavement, Goddess Cathy Venus, graphics, hypnosis, hypnotic, mindless, obey, 2 Mind is gone, will is lost
+ listen and obey Goddess Cathy Livia Neptunia UFH, , March 13, 2015March 13, 2015, Graphics, brainwashing, erotichypnosis, Goddess Cathy Venus, Hypno, mindcontrol, mindless, obedience, slavery, 2
+ Goddess Cathy will take you deeper! Livia Neptunia UFH, , September 2, 2015September 2, 2015, Graphics, brainwashing, domme, erotic hypnosis, Goddess Cathy Venus, hypnosis, mindcontrol, slave, ufh, 0
+ Untouchable Fearless Hotties (by Livia Neptunia) Livia Neptunia UFH, , September 29, 2015October 2, 2015, Graphics, enslavement, Goddess Cathy Venus, mindcontrol, Untouchable Fearless Hotties, 0
+ The Mermaid Livia Neptunia UFH, , April 8, 2015April 8, 2015, Graphics, brainwashing, erotichypnosis, Goddess Cathy Venus, mermaid, mind control, 0
+ Goddess Cathy is forever in your mind! Livia Neptunia UFH, , July 16, 2015July 16, 2015, Graphics, brainwashed, erotic hypnosis, Goddess Cathy, hypnosis, hypnotic, mindcontrol, obey, Puppetry, slavery, spirals, 0
+ Livia Neptunia UFH, , September 29, 2015September 29, 2015, Graphics, brainwashing, enslavement, erotic hypnosis, Goddess Cathy Venus, graphics, slave, submissive, Untouchable Fearless Hotties, 0
+ Goddess Cathy will bring you “SO DEEP” Livia Neptunia UFH, , August 20, 2014October 2, 2014, Graphics, Deepest, erotic hypnosis, Goddess Cathy, graphics, 0
+ the mirror is powerful Livia Neptunia UFH, , September 8, 2014October 2, 2014, Graphics, erotic hypnosis, Goddess Cathy Venus, graphics, The Mirror, 0
Mmmm very sexy
love it.